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Article written by the majestic Sean Lloyd on the 01 Sep 2010

Now for the ‘blog purists’, ‘tech geeks’ and SEO people, I should have probably mentioned something about the Argus Cycle Tour 2010 entries now open in that headline, and a few more times in the text, and I should have also gone to the Google offices and teabagged the owners and given them a hand around to get this post a high SERP or whatever the hell it is.

But I really don’t care about that, I just choose to live a life instead.

But just to let you know, if you enjoy sitting on your nuts all day and talking about lactic threshholds, power outputs and generally jerking about on your bike, then the Argus Cycle Tour entries open today, in just over an hours time.

Now I know all the boys are going to be creaming their pants at this thought, wondering which group they will be in, wondering which outfit to choose and generally wondering why chicks don’t actually dig them.

sram red

SRAM Red — wet dreams

Sorry, I’m just bitter because my bike is a little broken. Riding old school Kona. Keeping it simple. No carbon.

ANYWAY! Click here to have your testicles go numb for an entire day, and they may also possibly fall off.

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