1 Comments Olimp Sports Betting Bar In Cape Town

Article written by the majestic Sean Lloyd on the 08 Jun 2010

What is this Olimp Sports Betting Bar in Cape Town all about I hear you ask?


When I was a little girl boy I always wanted to be like a real celeb. Then I became a pseudo/faux ‘blogger’ which was like a consolation prize from the people running my life. I really wanted celeb status but you know…you need to work for that and that’s a bit of a mission! Anyway, continuing on my way to be famous by association, I continue to go to society events, in the hope that someone is like “Hey, put that dude in the next Coke commercial!”

Because you only need to be right once, and then bang, you’re done.

So on Thursday night last week, I minced over to the media launch (Nogal) of Olimp bar in Wale Street, Cape Town. Ja, media. You hear me lecturers at Varsity College, I told you I’d do it!

You may or may not know this, but I hate being behind a computer, but I love just cruising around events and socializing and having a bit of a jol. I think I need to do socializing for a career! You know, rent a crowd. But rent me. For an extra dollar we’ll…anyway.

Olimp is surely going to be the place to go during the Soccer World Cup because you can dop, skop en drop some dollars, all the while having a healthy chance of making that money back depending on how good you are at placing your bets. When they said sports betting bar, I wasn’t aware that it was like…full on betting! And by this I mean there are ‘totes’ (Is that the right word?) with real live people in them who take your bets. You feel like such a high roller!

Which naturally you are.

I wasn’t too sure about the place in the beginning because it seemed, well a little small. That is until Gabi and Marina told us there was an upstairs section. Of course! I needed to be higher…up.

The place is awesome and I say this partly biased, because some of the women there were amazing! But all in all…and all (Ey Durbz bru!)…it’s an amazing place. It doesn’t really strike me as a sports betting bar because I always thought they were these seedy places where we’d be drinking shots of diesel and playing games of pool for the pink slips of our cars. But Olimp is kitted! There are so many flat screen TV’s I thought it was a joke. But that’s how they’re rolling I see. It’s so that you can’t miss a second of the game and while it is excessive…well that’s the way we like it.

It’s not for the faint of heart though, because it looks like things could get serious…you know once I drop 40 billion Deutschemark on the donkey at the races! You can also bet on all sorts of races so you don’t need to go there only if you’re into horse racing, you can just bet on whatever is going. Mmmmmm a new addiction for you sir!

But seriously they’ve done it right, it’s in the right place, so you can pop through at lunch, slam a few brews, drop some cash and win some cash, all in  apremium environment, totally different to what I imagined a sports betting bar to be.

Here is the write up on Olimp Sports Betting Bar in Cape Town:

In MAY 2010, our state-of-the-art venue opened it’s doors to avid sports-fans.

OLIMP boasts a total of 35 big screen TV’s, fully licensed bars and delicious food. Most importantly, OLIMP owns an internationally patented betting system that allows one to place bets on both local and international games at any time. Bets can also be placed through their online betting facility by visiting the website

OLIMP is situated at 120 Loop Street, Cape Town (Cnr Loop & Wale) and is open 7 days a week.

OLIMPS SPORTS BETTING BAR will be screening all the big games, all the time, day and night!

Anyway, to prove I was there (And in the hope that I continue getting invited to events to make me look busy and important and international and sexual), I thought I’d throw in a few photos of the night. Mostly of me. I’m vain and superficial like that. Enjoy my facial expressions though, class clown class clown! I might as well throw photos of myself in here, because the regular press will never do that to me. And please enjoy the photo BOMB at the bottom, classic:



Oh howzit miss, I appreciate you looking at us but you are married!


Oh howzit, suit up!





Photo bomb BOOM!

Thanks to Gabi and Marina for the invite, much appreciated :)

Lots of love, now go win me some money! Writing this badly doesn’t pay for itself.


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Skatey J @Twitter ID Reply

Jesus look at the mayne koenyn fucking amazing reminds me of those two oaks in sex drive. Whats up Whats up!

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