Axl Rose Performing Welcome To The Jungle Drunk In St Louis


How mad must it be, to actually just mess around on stage with your buddies, so drunk that you can barely keep your composure, and then get paid? You are literally being paid to get all sorts of wasted. You are a professional party animal, and you can do what you like. As much as people like to say people like Axl Rose have had a massive fall from grace, the fact that they lived like this must be comforting to them. Because in those decadent years of excess, they have probably lived more than most people will in their lives. And for that, I applaud them.

Think about it, in that situation, would you have done things any differently? Exactly. You wouldn’t have been sober on stage, and then been up at 6am to hit the gym. This is classic Axl and classic rock ‘n roll. None of this Bono ‘Oh look at me in my blue glasses preaching to the world to save the starving children’ You’re a rock star dammit, pull yourself towards yourself, and get wasted.

That was rad.

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