Some Photos I’m Confused About


I like to be a spectator for this whole internet thing, sitting on the sidelines watching and enjoying the online game. Every now and then though while watching, I’m not concentrating and suddenly BAM! I get blindsided by a gridiron athlete and I’m all out of breath, crying a little bit and I have spilled my beer everywhere. These are the images that have have recently left me mildly concussed and with beer all over my face:

Firstly we have Jennifer Nicole Lee, I’m not sure what it is that she does but I once read something that she used to be fat, and then started working out crazy mad and got a bit of a smoking body in the process. This recent photo on Egotastic has me a bit confused. If I saw this on the beach I’d definitely sprout a granadilla lolly of my own.

Um, then we have this from TheSuperficial, which I cannot describe in words. It appears we have found another planet, one which appears to have been discovered in the ass region of Christina Aguilera. It’s got it’s own weather system and all that, pretty crazy:

Jared Leto had to wax his eyebrows off for a movie recently, and the first thing that comes to mind is oh do you want to cut off my skin and wear it to your birthday?

Lastly we have Gabriel Aubry who used to date Halle Berry. Halle’s current, Olivier Martinez decided to dish out two tickets to the gun show where Gabriel was the proud recipient of a knuckle sandwich lunch, resulting in this:

So that’s your celebrity round up, and no I don’t know what to say either.

Other than let’s hope the Mayans are right?

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